Reaction project / Plenes d'Orgull
“Full of pride”. This intervention commemorates the 10 years of the cultural centre located on a space known as “Forat de la Vergonya” (hole of shame). In this place, more than 20 years ago, the neighbours had to endure the pressure and suffering in a forcibly decadent environment, where the City Council intended to implement a speculative model contrary to the interests of the inhabitants. The neighbors demanded a garden for public use and one of the first actions was to plant a fir tree, which was attacked and replanted many times becoming the symbol of the struggle. From this hole emerged a neighborhood network that, together with the squatter movement, stood up to the public authorities. As a result of those demands, it was possible to landscape the square, maintain a dirt track, install a fountain and, over the years, build this community center where a free program organized by the neighbours is offered. It is a place to meet and share various disciplines and cultures. A space to celebrate.
Location: Pou de la Figuera, Barcelona
Year: 2024
Year: 2024